TV and Music

英国に住んでいて楽しいこともあれば悲しいこともある。(数少ない)楽しいことの1つは、音楽ドキュメンタリー番組が豊富だということです。さすが天下の国営放送ともいうべきか、BBC秘蔵の歴史的価値のある映像にご本人の現在のインタビューを交えたドキュメンタリー番組が1時間、その後に当時のTop of the Popsなどの音楽番組の特集が1時間つづくのが定番です。


  • Blur - No Distance Left to Run 
    • "This full-length feature documentary follows Blur on the reunion trail in the summer of 2009 after a ten-year hiatus as they rediscover their music and the friendships that originally inspired the band when they came together at the dawn of the 90s."


  • Blues Britannia: Can Blue Men Sing the Whites?
    • "Documentary telling the story of what happened to blues music on its journey from the southern states of America to the heart of British pop and rock culture, providing an in-depth look at what this music really meant to a generation of kids desperate for an antidote to their experiences of living in post-war suburban Britain."
  • Blues at the BBC
    • "Collection of performances by British and American blues artists on BBC programmes such as The Beat Room, A Whole Scene Going, The Old Grey Whistle Test and The Late Show."